sábado, 7 de febrero de 2009

Fight Poverty: Join HOPE worldwide Honduras

HOPE worldwide is a a high value charity that allows donors and contributors to connect to those in desparate need through volunteerism and giving. Donate today. Read why below:

Global Impact
Maximize your impact by supporting an organization noted for highly effective programs that elevate the lives of the poor on all six inhabited continents.

Powerful Network
Join a network ranging from individuals to world-renowned organizations, dedicated to serving a million of the world’s most needy people annually.

Product Contribution
Make an in-kind contribution and heighten the impact of programs recognized for their contribution to helping the weak and vulnerable.

Personal Connection
Share your personal time as a volunteer working directly with individuals whose lives are transformed by your work. Share with our volunters and with the people of our country.

Targeted Giving
Make an unrestricted gift to create new opportunities and satisfy our most pressing needs – or directly support our diferents program: Medical Center in Chamelecon, Education Program supporting a scholl, Administration outcomes and many more.

Leveraged Investment
Benefit from HOPE worldwide’s utilization of each $1 of unrestricted giving to generate an additional $25 in donations for the poor and needy.

Management Accessibility
Interact personally with HOPE worldwide senior leadership and learn more about our programs serving the needy at the HOPE worldwide Global Summit in Whashington.

Tax Benefits
Enjoy tax benefits from your gift of cash, stocks, and/or securities. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

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